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The Midwest HVAC Industry Show is the largest regional HVAC program in the United States with no attendance fee. We strive to provide a high-quality event for zero cost to attendees. All attendees are invited to register for all available seminars and all attendees are provided food and beverage- free of charge.

Cost: $0

Schedule of Events 

8 a.m.- SMACNA Seminar 1

1 p.m.- SMACNA Seminar 2 (Architects and engineers focused) 

3 p.m.- Trade Show Floor Opens- Demonstration Stage Opens 

3:30 p.m. – Jerky Bar Opens- Mini-Seminars begin 

4 p.m.- Food and beverage Stations open

7 p.m.- Food and beverage stations close 

8 p.m.- Exhibit floor closed 

Available professional Development units/hours: 12